My personal response

Stimulus: "Some human activities are really harmful on the environment and are causing the global warming and are causing the global warming. As inhabitants of this planet, human beings should be forced to replace our environmental-harmful activities or don't harm the environment on our benefit at all" 

I agree with the statement by an environmentalist. Because we pollute the environment with our actions and activities. The change should start with us. In my opinion, we need to replace our bad habits and start to think in our environment because we live here, this is our house and little by little we are causing a big pollution and the global warming. If we do not do anything, nobody will do it for us.

All days we use many things like the shoes. But people do not think as some of them are made. Sometimes use a snake, we are killing the animals of our world just to please us. Also, we bought a lot of things that we do not need. This is named consumerism. Do you think in where end all this? Later to use it, we put it in the trash and little by little we are contaminating our environment. Besides we use nonrenewable resources. For example, the water, power, petroleum, etc. We contaminate the sea with trash and so we are killing fishes.

Maybe, we should start practice the 3 R’s. We need to reduce our consumption of many things that we do not use and later we will reduce the trash. We can reuse things that can still have some use. And recycle the trash with the recycling bin.

The power of the change is in our hands and we need to start. Is necessary think before to do something. We decided our actions and activities that we do. And what do you expect to start?


  1. I like the way that you want to concientize to the population because nowadays is so important for us to take care of the environment.
    I think that you should give more examples and real arguments mencioned by experts in the topic that you are comenting.


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